The North-East Independent Directory

I have recently moved up to the North East with my fiancé (who’s a County Durham native) and I am slowly getting to know the area and the wonderful people and businesses that are now local to me.
In this blog post I’d like to celebrate the independent businesses and create a directory of small enterprises that we can support during this lockdown and onwards. Small businesses can sometimes become a little bit insular when times make it difficult for us to meet new people and I am as guilty of that as anyone. But the North of England in general has given me the confidence to write this as there is an honesty and friendliness about everyone I’ve met up here that is so refreshing. We all know of the North/South divide clichés but it’s a humbling truth that friendliness is a wonderful attribute that I have experienced so much of in my limited experience of living here so far. The Yorkshire honesty is one that everyone is aware of in the South but less is known of the other Counties in the North unless we have had first-hand experience.
This list is a directory of small enterprises that are located in my area – County Durham and Tyne and Wear, some of whom I’ve worked with, but most are those that I am just inspired to list. The list is small at the moment, but it’s just a start. I hope to build it up over time.
There are some excellent brands included, some of which will keep you stocked up over the course of this lockdown, some will make for excellent Christmas gifts, and most importantly – all will appreciate your support during this troubling time and beyond. I have been fortunate to work with many independent businesses throughout my 25-year career, capturing unique brand personalities and I know how difficult it can be to juggle life with a small business and keep your business in the forefront of people’s minds.
I would love it if you can recommend your own favourite small business. So If you know of any more small businesses in the County Durham and Tyne and Wear area and beyond that should be included on this list, be sure to let me know – either in the comments of this post or tweet me – @stephen_perry. If the business isn’t in these Counties but an adjoining County and you can heartily recommend them, please suggest them as well.
I love the close professional and personal creativity of working with small businesses so, if you are looking to update your imagery in any way (photographs of yourself, your employees, your premises or products) or just curious about the services I offer please feel free to have a look at my website and get in touch to find out how I can help – I’d love to talk to you.
I recently photographed a prominent physiotherapist Gordon Ellis who is based in Willington in County Durham. This was before deciding on a property that my partner and I want to renovate to live in, also in Willington.
Gordon, who is now a neighbour, has given me some well needed physio and is a good example of someone I would heartily recommend if you are in the need of a fine physiotherapist.
Info Physio: Gordon Ellis
Facebook – Info Physio / Gordon Ellis
Diana Kaye Florist
Instagram – @dianakayeflorist
More Than Swim
Instagram – @morethanswim_
The Pottery Experience
Instagram – @thepotteryexperience
House of Botanics
Instagram – @houseofbotanics
Catharine Ball Photography
Facebook – Catharine Ball Photography
Seaham Waves
Instagram – @seahamwaves
Souvenirs Upon Tyne
Instagram – @souvenirsupontyne
Black Penny Design
Instagram – @blackpennydesign
Bellwoods Lifestyle Store
Instagram – @shopbellwoods
Claire Ackworth Interior Designer
Instagram – @claire_ackworth
Poplar Tree Garden Centre
Instagram – @poplartreedurham
La Chocolatrice
Instagram – @la.chocolatrice
Geordie Bangers
Instagram – @GeordieBangers
Drama Tots
Instagram – @dramatotsdurhamnorthwest
Bellaphiya Bakes
Instagram – @bellaphiya_bakes
Graze and Gorge
Instagram – @grazeandgorge
Clarence Spirits
Instagram – @stmarysginvodkaandrum
Lee and The Sweet Life
Instagram – @leeandthesweetlife
Dani’s Party Extras
Instagram – @danispartyextras
Autumn Days Design
Instagram – @autumndaysdesigns
Breloqué Bijoux
Instagram – @breloquebijoux
Botanic Buddies
Instagram –
If you know of any more small businesses in the County Durham, Tyne and Wear area or beyond that should be included on this list, be sure to let me know – either in the comments of this post or tweet me – @stephen_perry